Herefordshire CAMRA

Herefordshire Branch Magazine

- The Hereford Hopvine

Yes - we know that hops grow on bines, but our magazine is named after that other great means of communication, the grapevine! It is published four times per year and delivered to over 250 pubs within the county plus many in adjoining areas. Copies also find their way to many beer festivals, and real ale pubs around the country.

First published in June 2001, 3,500 copies of each edition are printed and the format is A5, full colour, 36-40 pages.


The Hopvine offers advertisers an ideal method of targetting pubgoers. See box (right) for standard rates. Very attractive discounts are offered for consecutive and prepaid ads. We can handle copy in Microsoft Word or Publisher, or in .jpg or .tif formats; also .pdf provided the ad is to the exact size agreed. Don't worry if you don't already have a design - we can develop an advertisement from your suggestions.


Does the magazine get to your local? If not, you may be able to help, especially if you come to Hereford regularly and can pick up some copies. Alternatively, you can order copies by post from Dave Powell, 18 Chatsworth Road Hereford, HR4 9HZ. Send any number of stamped, self-addressed envelopes for A5 up to 100g OR 6 x 2nd class postage stamps for 4 copies (11 for 8 copies) OR cheque payable to Herefordshire CAMRA £3.50 for 4 copies (£6.50 for 8 copies)


Help us keep the magazine (and website) up to date with news of your local pubs. We will also print readers’ letters. Contact Editorial Team.

Previous Issues
Spring 2023 Summer 2023 Autumn 2023
Spring2023 Summer2023 Autumn2023

Most Recent Edition

The Christmas 2023 edition is available online. You may Download a low-res pdf version here. NB file size 4Mb

Latest Magazine

Next Edition

The next edition is Spring 2024.


Standard advertising rates excluding VAT for single insertion
sizereverse pagefacing page
full page£125£145
half page£85£95
third page£55£66
quarter page£44£55